구독청구및결제플랫폼 썸네일형 리스트형 Kill Bill - 구독 청구 및 결제 플랫폼 오픈소스를 소개합니다. (github.com/killbill) Kill Bill - 구독 청구 및 결제 플랫폼 오픈소스를 소개합니다. 깃허브에서는 아래와 같이 소개하고 있군요.. --- Kill Bill has been the leading Open-Source Subscription Billing & Payments Platform over the past 10 years. The platform exists to help you scale your billing and payment infrastructure and to grow your business. Out of the box, you have access to real-time analytics and financial reports. And because you are in control of your.. 더보기 이전 1 다음